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ITI publications offer tried and tested practical solutions to a wide range of implant dentistry questions.

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Publications - Teaser - ITI Treatment Guides

ITI Treatment Guides

Designed as a series, the ITI Treatment Guide is a unique compendium of evidence-based treatment methods in implant dentistry.

Publications - Teaser - Forum Implantologicum

Forum Implantologicum

The ITI's bi-annual journal that combines scientific content in the form of illustrated feature articles with news and information on ITI activities.

Nested Applications

Publications - Teaser - The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry

The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry – 2nd Ed.

The SAC Classification provides an evidence-based, objective framework for the assessment of the difficulty, complexity and risk of an implant-related treatment for a given clinical situation. This fully revised 2nd edition has been updated to ensure consistency with contemporary implant practice.

Publications - Teaser - Proceedings of ITI Consensus Conferences

Proceedings of ITI Consensus Conferences

The treatment recommendations and guidelines resulting from the ITI Consensus Conferences that are held every five years to review the latest literature on areas of particular interest in implant dentistry.

Nested Applications

Nested Applications

Position Papers

Position Papers

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

How do I get a copy of The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry?

The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry (ISBN: 978-1-85097-188-7) can be purchased or ordered in selected book stores or directly from the Quintessence Publishing Group.

How do I get a copy of the Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (GOMI)?

The Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (ISBN: 978-1-85097-188-7) can be purchased or ordered in selected book stores or directly from the Quintessence Publishing Group.

Can I choose any official ITI language for publications irrespective of the country I live in?

Yes, the country is not relevant and you can choose the official ITI language that suits you best.

Do I get print copies of previous Treatment Guides if I register as an ITI Member now?

No, you do not receive any print copies of the ITI Treatment Guide series. However, after registering as an ITI Member you benefit from a discount if you purchase the books from Quintessence. As an ITI Member, you can also access every volume of the Treatment Guide series in digital form in our e-library.

Where can I download the ITI Treatment Guides?

We cannot provide electronic versions of the Treatment Guides for download. Log in to read them online in our e-library by clicking here.

How do I get print copies of the ITI Treatment Guide series?

ITI Treatment Guides can be purchased directly from the Quintessence Publishing Group.

In cooperation with Quintessence Publishing Group, we are offering our Fellows and Members a discount on all ITI Treatment Guide volumes when purchased online directly from Quintessence. Log in to your "My ITI" page to get the link to the Quintessence discount page.

I am an ITI Member. Do I have to pay full price for print copies of the ITI Treatment Guide series?

In cooperation with Quintessence Publishing Group, we offer our Fellows and Members a discount on all ITI Treatment Guide volumes when purchased online directly from Quintessence. Log in to your "My ITI" page get the link to the Quintessence discount page.

Do ITI Members get a discount on ITI Treatment Guides?

In cooperation with Quintessence Publishing Group, the ITI offers Fellows and Members a discount on all ITI Treatment Guides when purchased online directly from Quintessence. Log in to your "My ITI" page get the link to the Quintessence discount page.

How do I get access to back issues of Forum Implantologicum?

Print versions of back issues are not available. ITI Members and Fellows have access to the online versions of all available issues of Forum Implantologicum.

As of 2022, Forum Implantologicum is published in digital format on a dedicated online platform. Access is free to everyone (free ITI account required to read the full articles).

How do I get a subscription to Forum Implantologicum?

As of 2022, Forum Implantologicum is published in digital format on a dedicated online platform. Access is free to everyone (free ITI account required to read the full articles).

All ITI Members and Fellows have access to the online versions of all available back issues of Forum Implantologicum (2005 - 2021).


Can I submit an article for publication in Forum Implantologicum?

Generally, every half-year is devoted to a main topic agreed upon by the Editorial Board.

As a general rule, the articles in Forum Implantologicum are by invitation only. Nevertheless, individuals can submit articles for review and discussion by the Editorial Board.

Unsolicited articles can be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) via email to the editorial office at ITI Headquarters. They will be reviewed by the Editorial Board at its next meeting in order to determine their appropriateness for future publication. Authors will be notified of the Editorial Board’s decision after the meeting. As a matter of policy, the Editorial Board does not provide any reasons for not accepting submissions for publication.

The full author guidelines are available here.

ITI Contact - Matthias Joesch -

Do you need further information on this topic?

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  • Matthias Joesch

    Head of Communications
