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SAC Assessment Tool

Step-by-step guidance to risk assessment in implant dentistry

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Asset Publisher

  • SAC Assessment Tool

    Developed by international implant-dentistry experts
  • SAC Assessment Tool

    Identify and minimize potential treatment risks guided by a checklist
  • SAC Assessment Tool

    Enjoy peace of mind thanks to a systematic evidence-based process
  • SAC Assessment Tool

    Developed by international implant-dentistry experts
  • SAC Assessment Tool

    Identify and minimize potential treatment risks guided by a checklist

SAC Tool - Intro NEW

Nested Applications

SAC Tool - Headline for Cards

How the SAC Assessment Tool supports your daily clinical work

Nested Applications

Card - Identify risks

Identify risks

Identify and minimize potential treatment risks


Card - Planning with a checklist

Planning with a checklist

Clinical decision-making tool to support treatment planning

Card - Enjoy peace of mind

Enjoy peace of mind

Work within an objective and evidence-based framework

Nested Applications

SAC - What is the SAC Assessment Tool? NEW

What is the SAC Assessment Tool?

The SAC Assessment Tool takes you through each step necessary to identify the degree of complexity and potential risk involved in individual implant dentistry cases in an easy-to-use process. This tool makes use of the ITI’s highly regarded classification system referred to as SAC: Straightforward, Advanced, Complex. It reflects the normative guidelines developed by the ITI for various types of restorative and surgical cases. The tool is based on the book entitled "The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry 2nd Edition", published by the ITI in cooperation with Quintessence Publishing Group.

SAC - Quote Anthony Dawson

Dr. Anthony Dawson, Australia

“Depending on your level of need, it can be a tool to identify risks so you can plan steps to control those risks. It can also be a checklist to ensure you have everything under control, or a tool to facilitate clear communication with colleagues and patients along the way to professional cooperation and informed consent. It has something for every clinician.”

Nested Applications

SAC - Your benefits NEW

Your benefits

 GuestITI AccountITI Member
Assess your patient casesclosecheckcheck
Assess more case types: Single tooth, Short span (≤ 3 teeth), Extended span (>3 teeth), Partially edentulous - removeable, Edentulous - Maxilla; Edentulous - Mandibleclosecheckcheck
Classify flexibly: Surgical classification, Prosthodontic classification, Surgical & Prosthodontic classification, Esthetic Risk Assessment onlyclosecheckcheck
Obtain a visual scale bar of the classifications on the results page rather than just a category (i.e. Straightforward, Advanced or Complex)closecheckcheck
Save, pause and restart your assessmentsclosecheckcheck
Save your completed assessments and save them in folders you can createclosecheckcheck
Convert the classification result screen in a downloadable PDF-filecloseclosecheck
Add the patient's name or ID before creating the PDF-filecloseclosecheck
Print the PDF-file and use it for informed patient consentcloseclosecheck

Nested Applications

SAC Assessment Tool - Demo

How to use the SAC Assessment Tool

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SAC Tool - Headline for Members say

See what ITI Members say about the SAC Assessment Tool

SAC - ITI Members say

SAC Tool - Intro NEW

ITI Contact - Katalina Cano -

Do you need further information on this topic?

I will be happy to help

  • Katalina Cano

    Product Manager Digital Education
