Congress Lecture

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Surgical Planning and Procedures

Implant Surgery: Key Factors for Future Innovations and Success

Vivianne Chappuis

This lecture covers a variety of innovations that have the potential to provide patients with predictable esthetics, stable peri-implant bone levels, and a functional prosthesis from a long-term perspective. Current research that focuses on a better understanding of the biological processes that underlie alveolar bone healing, osseointegration, and tissue integration is discussed. This includes new implant materials with microrough and hydrophilic surfaces as well as future biomaterials and technologies that aim to completely regenerate the soft and hard tissue architecture in order to achieve an esthetically pleasing result.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • recognize the potential of new implant materials with microrough and hydrophilic surfaces to reduce healing periods and allow the use of shorter or smaller implants
  • discuss the potential of new technologies that favor the stability and integrity of the bone and soft tissue dimension to achieve an esthetically pleasing result
25 minutes
ITI World Symposium 2017
0.4 hours
Purchase price
12 Academy Coins
Publication date: Jun 6, 2017 Last review date: May 30, 2022 Next review date: May 30, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Languages
  • Surgical Planning & Procedures

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