Optimizing Primary and Secondary Stability for our Patients: How do we obtain predictable outcomes? - Congress Lectures - Home
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Optimizing Primary and Secondary Stability for our Patients: How do we obtain predictable outcomes?
This lecture is brought to you by our industry partner Osstell. Although implant survival is extremely high, these favorable outcomes depend greatly on proper case selection, thorough diagnosis and treatment planning, and ideal execution. Patients present with increasing demands for immediate placement, early or immediate loading, and shorter overall treatment times. However, many of our patients have medical risk factors that may interfere with primary implant stability and osseointegration, and may not be candidates for immediate or early treatment protocols. How do we determine which patients can tolerate reduced treatment time without sacrificing predictability? How can we monitor the desirable transition from primary or mechanical stability to secondary or biologic stability? Can we set up algorithms and objective measurements to guarantee implant survival and long-term success? This presentation will discuss evidence-based protocols to optimize primary and secondary stability to obtain predictable outcomes for healthy and medically compromised patients.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to...
- describe medical risk factors and medications that may negatively affect primary stability and osseointegration
- discuss the relationship between primary/mechanical and secondary/biologic stability, and its clinical implications
- elaborate on predictability with regards to implant placement and loading
- Duration
- 59 minutes
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