Congress Lecture

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Surgical Planning and Procedures

Predictable Results in Staged Bone Grafts

Waldemar Daudt Polido

In healed ridges, there may be situations where an implant cannot be placed in the ideal position, as guided by the future prosthesis. In these cases, a staged bone graft is required. Staged bone grafts are defined as procedures in which the alveolar bone is reconstructed in one procedure, and the implant is placed in a second intervention. Several techniques and materials have been proposed for alveolar bone reconstruction, but there is no consensus in the literature about which is the most predictable. However, much attention has been given to the material or procedure itself, without focusing on basic issues that influence the outcome. No matter which technique or material is chosen, there are common concepts that, once followed, may lead to better results. This presentation focuses on key factors that may lead to predictable results when performing staged bone grafts aiming at implant placement.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • describe surgical concepts that may influence the outcome of staged bone grafts
  • identify clinical situations where a staged bone graft may be more predictable
17 minutes
ITI Online Academy Recordings, Basel, Switzerland, 2017
0.3 hours
Purchase price
9 Academy Coins
Publication date: Sep 4, 2017 Last review date: Aug 29, 2022 Next review date: Aug 29, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Languages
  • Surgical Planning & Procedures

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