Surgical Alternatives for the Deficient Posterior Mandible - Congress Lectures - Home
Surgical Alternatives for the Deficient Posterior Mandible
The rehabilitation of posterior mandible with dental implants represents a difficult challenge for clinicians due to the lack of supporting bone. The alveolar nerve presence and the gradual vertical and horizontal resorption of the mandibular bone crest in both partially and totally edentulous patients can be treated by several surgical options - vertical ridge augmentation, surgical displacement of the inferior alveolar nerve, or the placement of short implants (8 mm or less).
This lecture presents the different surgical techniques currently being used to vertically augment the posterior mandible: guided bone regeneration (GBR), alveolar distraction osteogenesis, and onlay bone grafting; however, few of these techniques have been tested in a randomized clinical trial (RCT), and some bone augmentation techniques are complicated by an unpredictable resorption of the grafted material.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…
- explain the challenges of implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of the posterior mandible
- list various surgical approaches to these complex cases
- describe the advantages and limitations of the different vertical augmentation procedures in the posterior mandible
- discuss advantages and limitations of short implants in the deficient posterior mandible
- Duration
- 49 minutes
- Source
- ITI Congress Greece & Cyprus 2015
- 0.83 hours
- Purchase price
- 25 Academy Coins
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