The Role of Implants in the Maxillofacial Reconstruction – Prosthetic Perspective - Congress Lectures - Home
The Role of Implants in the Maxillofacial Reconstruction – Prosthetic Perspective
Maxillofacial prosthetics is the “art and science of functional and esthetic reconstruction of congenital or acquired intraoral and extraoral defects.” This lecture outlines the surgical and prosthetic challenges of treating maxillary, mandibular, and extraoral or facial defects. Topics discussed include the use of splinted implants to improve the retention of obturators in the treatment of maxillary defects; treatment of marginal vs. segmental defects of the mandible; the importance of implant placement for the esthetic outcome of extraoral reconstructions, whether auricular, nasal, orbital, or midfacial. Evidence on long-term success of extraoral reconstructions is given. This presentation is enhanced with excellent photos and patient videos.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…
- discuss the objectives of maxillofacial prosthetics in the treatment of intraoral and extraoral defects
- describe the surgical and prosthetic challenges of treating these cases
- explain the role of implants in improving the functional and esthetic outcome of maxillofacial prosthetics
- Duration
- 27 minutes
- Source
- ITI Online Academy Recordings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018
- 0.47 hours
- Purchase price
- 14 Academy Coins
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