Workflow Pathways: When Analog, When Digital, When Both - Congress Lectures - Home
Workflow Pathways: When Analog, When Digital, When Both
Evidence-based treatment evolution has resulted in increasing utilization of dental implants in the treatment of both complete and partial edentulism. This presentation will concentrate on analog and digital workflow options through data collection, patient planning and treatment. It will discuss how decisions with regard to workflow might influence outcomes in terms of predictability and quality. Further, the influence on risk will also be considered. The focus will include contemporary technologies, materials, and processes.

At the end of the presentation, the participant should be able to
- describe both analog and digital workflow alternatives for the planning, placement and restoration of dental implants
- discuss and identify key workflow decisions and how they can be managed in an analog and digital manner
- identify and discuss shortcomings associated with analog and digital workflow options for the management of patients requiring dental implants
- Duration
- 16 minutes
- Source
- World Symposium 2021
- 0.27 hours
- Purchase price
- 8 Academy Coins
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