
Etiology of Esthetic Complications

Dean Morton , Jay Robert Beagle

Implant therapy has proven to be a successful treatment modality that is applicable across a wide range of clinical indications for tooth replacement.

In step with wider use of implant therapy, patients' expectations of an esthetic outcome have also increased, leading to an increase in the number of cases that fall short of these expectations.

In this clinical case, the implant-supported crown replacing the missing upper right central incisor has achieved a satisfactory result with good symmetry of both the peri-implant mucosal tissues and the prosthesis, when compared with the conventional prostheses on the surrounding teeth.

However, the same level of outcome has not been achieved in this case, where significant recession of the facial mucosa has exposed the underlying abutment, resulting in an unesthetic asymmetry.

In the event of esthetic complications, management may include a prosthodontic or surgical approach, and some cases will require both. It is important to base this management on correct diagnosis of the type of complication and its etiology.

Whilst a detailed discussion of management options is beyond the scope of this Learning Module, it will describe the factors that contribute to esthetic complications.

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After completing this ITI Academy Module, you should be able to…

  • define esthetic complications
  • describe how prosthesis design and fabrication can result in esthetic complications
  • describe how implant positioning can lead to esthetic complications
  • describe other factors that may contribute to esthetic complications
  • discuss the appropriate measures to prevent esthetic complications
Anthony S Dawson , Charlotte Stilwell
28 min. + 10 min. for the Assessment
0.63 hours
Purchase price
42 Academy Coins
Related assessment
Etiology of Esthetic Complications
English Japanese
Publication date: Mar 1, 2019 Last review date: Feb 22, 2023 Next review date: Feb 22, 2026
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Languages
  • Learning Module
  • Treatment Outcomes & Continuing Care

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