Congress Lecture

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Introduction to Implant Dentistry

Managing the ‘Unknown’ Implant

Anthony S Dawson

This lecture describes the management approach for a patient who presents with a prosthesis supported by implants of unknown origin. Techniques for identifying these implants and their components are provided. The presenter also shares a case example that required custom manufacturing of a replacement screw-retained restoration.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • list the potential problems associated with managing a prosthesis supported by implants of unknown manufacture
  • discuss techniques for identifying unknown implants
  • describe the options for dealing with problems associated with an unknown implant
20 minutes
ITI Online Academy Recordings, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018
0.33 hours
Purchase price
10 Academy Coins
Publication date: Mar 1, 2019 Last review date: Feb 22, 2023 Next review date: Feb 22, 2026
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Introduction to Implant Dentistry
  • Languages

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