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The ITI's Board of Directors and three Committees are made up of Fellows from various disciplines and countries.

The Fellows who sit on the Board and the three Committees volunteer their time and expertise towards defining and achieving the goals of the ITI. As the ITI's industry partner, Straumann has up to two seats on the Board and each of the Committees.

These four bodies answer to the General Assembly that comprises all ITI Fellows and meets once a year for the ITI Annual General Meeting.

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Leadership - Organigram

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The ITI Board of Directors oversees the mid- and long term goals and provides the strategic direction for the organization. It also oversees the ITI's finances and allocates funds to the Committees.

Charlotte Stilwell, London, United Kingdom President
Ronald Jung, Zurich, Switzerland President-elect
Bilal Al-Nawas, Mainz, Germany Chair, ITI Research Committee
German Gallucci, Boston, USA Chair, Leadership Development Committee
Nikos Mattheos, Hong Kong, China SAR Chair, ITI Education Committee
Gilbert Achermann, Basel, Switzerland  

Education Committee

Education Committee

Education represents the core of the ITI's mission. The ITI develops, conducts and supports educational activities and projects for professionals in implant dentistry.

Nikos Mattheos, Hong Kong, China SAR (Chair)
Merete Aaboe, Vedbæk, Denmark
Michael Bornstein, Basel, Switzerland
Colin Campbell, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Chatchai Kunavisarut, Bangkok, Thailand
Alejandro Lanis, Santiago, Chile
Markus Kaufmann, Basel, Switzerland

Research Committee

Research Committee

With an allocation of USD 2.2 million annually, the ITI finances research projects in implant dentistry and related fields. The Committee meets twice a year to review and decide on grant applications.

Bilal Al-Nawas, Mainz, Germany (Chair)
Momen Atieh, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Madrid, Spain
Reinhard Gruber, Vienna, Austria
Sašo Ivanovski, Brisbane, Australia
Yong-Dae Kwon, Seoul, South Korea
France Lambert, Liège, Belgium
Pravinkumar Patil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Martin Schimmel, Bern, Switzerland
Michel Mallaun, Basel, Switzerland

Conflict of interest statements - Accordion (Research Committee)

Conflict of interest statements

In order to clarify any potential conflicts of interest, the ITI Research Committee members have submitted the statements below.

Bilal Al-Nawas, Mainz, Germany (Chair)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Al-Nawas reports during the previous 3 years: lecturing fees from mectron, dentsply, Straumann, Camlog and Geistlich. He also receives fees for his work as an Editor for Deutscher Aerzteverlag. His Department receives research grants from Camlog, Dentsply, Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Zimmer and Geistlich. He is further active in the Osteology Expert Council, PEERS Germany and Oral Reconstruction Foundation. Beside his activity as ITI Board Member, he is Secretary General of the DGI (German Society of Implantology), Spokesman of the Section „Infection Prevention and Quality Management“ of the DGMKG (German Society of OMS), Past President of the IFDAS (International Federation of Dental Anaestelsiology Societies), Treasurer of the German Cleft Lip an Palate Association.

Momen Atieh, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Prof. Dr. Atieh has previously received an ITI research grant for a clinical trial but has no affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest.

Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, Madrid, Spain
Prof. Dr. Avila-Ortiz reports having received grant support from Geistlich Pharma to conduct a clinical trial and lecture fees from Osteology Foundation, Geistlich Pharma, Straumann, Dentsply Sirona, and Quintessence Publishing.

Reinhard Gruber, Wien, Austria
Prof. Dr. Gruber reports during the previous 3 years: receiving grant support from the ITI Foundation and the Osteology Foundation. Also he receives honorarium serving the ITI Research Committee and the Osteology Foundation Board. 

Ronald Jung, Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Jung reports during the previous 3 years: receiving grants, lecture and consulting fees from Straumann, Geistlich Biomaterials, Vita Zahnfabrik, Karr Dental Henry Schein and TRI. He also received funds for a clinical and a preclinical study from Dentsply Sirona and Camlog.

Sašo Ivanovski, Brisbane, Australia
Prof. Sašo Ivanovski reports over the past 3 years: Dean and Head of School, Professor of Periodontology at School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland. Grant funding from ITI, Osteology Foundation, Medical Research Future Fund and Australian Dental Research Foundation. Contract research funding from Colgate Palmolive, Maxoniq, Anisop and Beyond Drug Development. Board member of Australian Dental Research Foundation (until end of 2021), Australian Periodontal Research Foundation, Osteology Foundation (from June 2023). Current President of International Association of Dental Research (ANZ Division).

Yong-Dae Kwon, Seoul, South Korea
Prof. Yong-Dae Kwon reports during the previous 3 years: received lecturing fees from Straumann, Osstem, Dentium, Geistlich, Dentis, Neobiotech, AMGEN, and Daewoong pharmaceutical and received consultation fee from Sigma graf.

France Lambert, Liège, Belgium
Prof. France Lambert reports during the previous 3 years: lecturing and / or consulting fees from Straumann and Nobel Biocare. Her Department receives research grants from SPW wallonia, EU (H2020), ITI Foundation, Straumann Group, Nobel Biocare, MIS, Acteon Group. She is active in several organisations: ITI (Belux Section Chair, Research committee), Osteology Foundation (Expert Council),  Belgian Society of Periodontology (broad Member), EAO (academic relationship Committee). She is also co-founder of the start up company Wishbone-Biotech. 

Pravinkumar Patil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pravinkumar Patil reports during the previous 3 years: receiving research grant support from ITI and IMU Malaysia and has received lecturing fees from Straumann, ITI. He is a member of Council of Prosthodontic Research (CPR) by Indian Prosthodontic Society and a committee member of Association for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics and Rehabilitation in India (AMPRI). He is an examiner for RCS Edinburgh Diploma in Implant Dentistry and ITI Diploma in Implant Dentistry. He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Academic Editor of PLOS ONE, International Journal of Dentistry, & Case Report in Dentistry and Editorial Board Member of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 

Martin Schimmel, Bern, Switzerland 
Professor Dr. Schimmel reports during the previous 3 years: lecturing fees from PROSEC, Sunstar Suisse SA (Etoy, Switzerland), Straumann, GC International (Lucerne, Switzerland) and the ITI as well as research support from ITI for his department.He is treasurer of the European College of Gerodontology (ECG), council member of the Gerodontology Association (GA), the Health Policy Council of the Swiss Dental Assocoiation (SSO) as well as the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry and is president of the Swiss Society of Gerodontology and Special Care Dentistry (SSGS). Furthermore, he is a member of the oral function scientific advisory board for Sunstar Suisse SA (Etoy, Switzerland).

Michel Mallaun, Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Mallaun reports that he is an employee of Institut Straumann AG.

Leadership Development Committee

Leadership Development Committee

The ITI fosters leadership by supporting clinicians in furthering their training in implant dentistry and related fields through its one-year Scholarship program.

German Galluci, Boston, USA (Chair)
Gary Finelle, Paris, France
Tabea Flügge, Berlin, Germany
Luiz Gonzaga, Gainesville, USA
Oscar González Martín, Madrid, Spain
Martina Stefanini, Bologna, Italy
Andreas Utz, Basel, Switzerland


ITI Presidents

The ITI President guides the strategic development of the organization and is elected for a four-year term of office by the General Assembly of Fellows.

  • Charlotte Stilwell

    London, UK

    Since 2021

  • Stephen Chen

    Melbourne, Australia

    2017 - 2021

  • David Cochran

    San Antonio, USA

    2013 - 2017

  • Daniel Buser

    Bern, Switzerland

    2009 - 2013

  • Dieter Weingart

    Stuttgart, Germany

    2005 - 2009

  • Thomas D. Taylor

    Farmington CT, USA


  • Niklaus P. Lang

    Bern, Switzerland


  • Wilfried Schilli

    Freiburg, Germany


  • André Schroeder

    Bern, Switzerland
