Replacement of the Four Maxillary Incisors with a Fixed Dental Prosthesis Using an Immediate Loading Protocol - Clinical Case Report - Home
Clinical Case Report
Replacement of the Four Maxillary Incisors with a Fixed Dental Prosthesis Using an Immediate Loading Protocol
In November 2001, a 53-year-old female presented seeking advice and options for treatment of her maxillary incisor teeth. She was dissatisfied with both the functional and esthetic qualities of her existing restorations. Her medical health was excellent, and she reported no contraindications to dental care. On presentation, the patient’s dental health was less than ideal. Although she had no probing depths greater than 3 mm, she suffered from generalized chronic adult periodontitis and displayed multiple sites of bleeding on probing. Her remaining dentition was heavily restored, and many teeth had been endodontically treated. Areas of recurrent dental caries were noted on many teeth. Radiographically and clinically, the maxillary incisor teeth exhibited large areas of active caries, and after the splinted crowns had been removed, the teeth were determined to be non-restorable.

- Surgical SAC classification
- Complex
- Prosthodontic SAC classification
- Complex
- Source
- Treatment Guide 2
- Purchase price
- 10 Academy Coins
- 0.15 hours
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