Congress Lecture

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Surgical Planning and Procedures

Does Type of Surgical Technique Influence Outcome of Treatment for Peri-Implantitis?

Pedja Pavlovic

From the available literature on peri-implantitis, it is difficult for the clinician to judge which treatments are the most effective. In this lecture, Pedja Pavlovic gives a comprehensive overview of the treatment of peri-implantitis and the role of supportive periodontal therapy. This presentation first addresses the need to begin with careful diagnosis to identify the primary cause of peri-implant bone loss as well as a consideration of the defect morphology. The selection of the appropriate treatment option for implants in the esthetic zone is also described.

While the currently available evidence does not allow any firm, specific recommendations for surgical therapy, this presentation covers in detail the treatment steps common to all surgical procedures for peri-implantitis - debridement, decontamination, and chemical inactivation - and also illustrates two surgical approaches, resection and implantoplasty.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • describe how peri-implant bone loss can be related to microbial or non-microbial events
  • discuss the significance of low bleeding and plaques scores prior to surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
  • recognize that the surgical treatment options depend on whether the site is in the esthetic zone or not
  • describe the importance of careful diagnosis and evaluation of the defect configuration in the selection of the treatment options
  • discuss the treatment steps common to all surgical peri-implantitis treatments as well as the resective and implantoplasty approaches
38 minutes
ITI Congress UK & Ireland 2015
0.63 hours
Purchase price
19 Academy Coins
Publication date: Aug 30, 2015 Last review date: Jun 24, 2022 Next review date: Jun 24, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Anatomy & Biological Principles
  • Biologic Width
  • Bone Remodeling
  • Coated Surface
  • Components & Materials
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Implant Surfaces
  • Implants
  • Languages
  • Machined Surface
  • One-Piece Implants
  • Osseointegration
  • Rough Surface
  • Surgical Planning & Procedures
  • Titanium Implants
  • Titanium-Zirconia Implants
  • Two-Piece Implants
  • Zirconia Implants

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