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Public ITI profile page of

Robert Levine

Ivyland, United States

  • ITI Fellow
  • registered since 1997

Academy Author Profile

Dr. Robert A. Levine maintained a full-time private practice in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics for over 35 years. He graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1981 and received his post-graduate certificate in Periodontics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. Dr. Levine holds post-graduate periodontology-implantology clinical teaching positions at the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry, the University of North Carolina, the University of Illinois in Chicago, and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Levine is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, President, and Fellow of the International Society of Periodontal Plastic Surgeons (FISPPS), and a Fellow, Diplomate, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO). He serves on the Editorial Boards or as a reviewer of numerous scientific journals and has authored over 100 publications including 6 book chapters. Dr. Levine is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and has been on the US ITI Leadership Team as Membership Coordinator. In the fall of 2024, will be installed as the US ITI Section Chair.

He spends much of his free time visiting post-graduate programs in periodontology, prosthodontics and AEGD at universities across the US giving both didactic and hands-on courses as well as mentoring young clinicians. Topics include “Soft tissue Augmentation Procedures for Esthetics and Root Coverage,” “Alveolar Ridge Preservation,” “Treatment of the Severely Resorbed Ridge with Titanium Mesh: Key Factors for Predictable Success,” “Treatment of the Terminal Dentition”, “Treatment of the failed Maxillary Central Incisor Tooth: “10 Keys” for providing predictable success and HAPPY patients,” “Management of Implant Site Development & Immediate Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone. An Evidenced-Based Team Approach.” “Three Decisions to made at the Time of Tooth Extraction, “Evidenced-Based Treatment Options for the Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisor,” “The Periodontal Risk Score-PRS” (formerly known as the MMPPI),” “Treatment of Complex Dental Implant Reconstructions from Immediate Single Tooth Placement to Full Arch Immediately Loaded Rehabilitations,” “Management of Implant Complications and the Ailing-Failing Dental Implant. Now What Do I Do?” “Palate-Free Alternatives to Phenotype Modification: An Evidenced-based Approach.” “Working Together Works! Teamwork for Success in Implant Dentistry.”

Dr. Levine formed the “10 Keys Implant-Perio Clinical Research Group” in 2020 with the goal of reducing the incidence of dental implant and periodontal complications with the use of sequential clinical checklists resulting in several important publications being published since 2017.

Since 2021, Dr. Levine has also organized, mentors and runs a monthly Multi-School Zoom Webinar Series thru the department of post-graduate periodontology at Temple University for 17 post-grad periodontology and prosthodontics residency programs on interdisciplinary team approach to complex cases.

(updated 3.2024)

Academy content by Robert Levine (3 items)

Upcoming ITI events Robert Levine lectures at

  • Apr 9, 2025

    Dr. Robert A. Levine. Team approach in the treatment of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors using the 10 Keys checklist.

    New York City, United States

    Study Club Meeting

ITI events Robert Levine has lectured at since 2021

  • Sep 30, 2021

    Prosthetically-Driven Implant Site Development- a Periodontal Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective.

    Online Event, United States

    Study Club Meeting

Statement on Financial Relationships and Conflict of Interests

Robert Levine has no financial relationships to disclose regarding authorship of ITI educational content.

Conflict of Interest: KOL for- Straumann, US; ITI; Geistlich, NA

In case of content marked as "provided by industry partner", the author/speaker was reimbursed by said industry partner.