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Periosteal Releasing Incision (PRI)

Ahmet Örgev , Vivianne Chappuis , Yoji Kamiura , Waldemar Daudt Polido , Stephen T Chen

The periosteal releasing incision, or PRI, is a common oral surgical technique that is undertaken to increase the mobility of a surgical flap.

When performed correctly, the periosteal releasing incision allows the flap to be coronally advanced so that tension-free primary closure of the surgical site can be achieved.

This module includes eight videos illustrating the PRI procedure in different clinical situations.

After completing this ITI Academy Module, you should be able to…

  • outline the indications for performing a PRI
  • list the anatomical considerations when planning and performing a PRI
  • outline the steps in performing a PRI
  • list the complications that may occur with a PRI
Charlotte Stilwell
42 min. + 10 min. for the Assessment
0.87 hours
Purchase price
52 Academy Coins
Related assessment
Periosteal Releasing Incision (PRI)
English Turkish Japanese Russian
Publication date: Jan 8, 2017 Last review date: Jun 24, 2022 Next review date: Jun 24, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Languages
  • Learning Module
  • Russian
  • Surgical Planning & Procedures
  • Turkish

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