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Copenhagen University Hospital


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About the Scholarship Center Copenhagen

About the Scholarship Center

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital hosts a section for patients with congenitally missing teeth and early trauma-related tooth loss which roughly yearly treats 150-200 young patients with dental implants. In addition, the department treats patients with edentulism due to severe atrophy, congenital malformations such as clefts and craniofacial anomalies, due to benign and malignant tumor resections, irradiation and antiresorptive medication. Finally, the department hosts an Odontological Competence Center for patients with rare diseases including patients with ectodermal dysplasia and other syndromes in need of implant-supported restorations.

It is estimated the time of the ITI Scholar will be equally distributed between research activities (50%) including data handling, data interpretation, and writing, and the participation in clinical work (50%) including treatment planning sessions, surgeries, prosthetic rehabilitation, and control visits. The scholar will not independently treat patients during the scholarship year.

In collaboration with the Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen, the Section Chair is currently main- or co-supervisor of several PhD-students, undergraduate 1-year scholars, and masters students within the fields of implant dentistry, dental traumatology, and odontogenic infections.

At the University Hospital, well-established clinical and scientific collaborations exist with the Departments of Ear Neck and Throat Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Infectious Diseases, Cardiology, Anesthesiology, Oncology, Hematology, and Rare Diseases.

Overview of clinical activities during the Scholarship year Copenhagen University Hospital

Activities during the Scholarship year

During the Scholarship year, the ITI Scholar will participate in the following clinical activities: 

☒     Treatment planning sessions  
☐      Performing oral hygiene procedures and maintenance   
☒      Observing patient treatment  
☒      Assisting in patient treatment  
☐      Treating patients under faculty supervision 
     ☐     Placing implants  
     ☐     Restoring implants  
☐      Treating patients alone  
     ☐      Placing implants  
     ☐      Restoring implants  
☐      Laboratory and procedures associated with treatment  

During the Scholarship year, the ITI Scholar will participate in the following research activities: 

☒      Development and coordinated involvement with existing center research activities 
☐       Involvement in preclinical research  
☐       Involvement in translational research  
☒      Involvement in clinical research   
☒      Mentors will be assigned to the Scholar according to their research preference  
☒      Scholars will be able to start their own research projects (in this case, the project will be anticipated and will require a specific funding)  

The Scholar's time will be allocated to the activities below as follows (estimate): 
•    45% patient care
•    50% research 
•    5% didactic (lectures and/or courses the Scholar can attend) 

The lectures, classes and/or courses the Scholar can attend will be held in the following language: English and Danish

Special requirements for this Scholarship Center Copenhagen

Special requirements for this Scholarship Center

Language requirements: 
☒    Language required for treating patients (legal requirements): Danish

Special requirements: 
Research experience supported by scientific publications is desired. Applicants must hold a dental diploma issued in a country that belongs to the European Union to be able to treat patients

Contact details Copenhagen

Contact details

Scholarship Center Chair: Dr. Simon Storgård Jensen
Scholarship Center Co-Chair: Dr. Sanne Werner Moeller Andersen 
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Copenhagen University Hospital
Blegdamsvej 9
DK-2100 Copenhagen 

E-mail:  [email protected]