Horizontal Augmentation with Iliac Bone Grafts in the Treatment of Non-Syndromic Oligodontia - Clinical Case Report - Home
Clinical Case Report
Horizontal Augmentation with Iliac Bone Grafts in the Treatment of Non-Syndromic Oligodontia
A 20-year-old woman was referred for implant therapy in 2004. Her medical history revealed no significant findings, and neither did she smoke nor take any medications. An extraoral examination revealed no abnormalities of the skin, hair or nails. The intraoral examination revealed only 11 permanent teeth clinically. These were normal in shape, size, and color. In addition, eight retained deciduous teeth (53, 62, 63, 71, 72, 73, 81, 82) were present. No abnormalities were detected during the general examination. The family history revealed that the patient’s father and two sisters were on record with similar conditions. The clinical examination revealed a thick gingival biotype. No recession of the attached gingiva was noted, but the retained deciduous teeth were mobile and unsightly. As a syndrome had not been diagnosed, the case was categorized as non-syndromic oligodontia.

- Surgical SAC classification
- Complex
- Prosthodontic SAC classification
- Straightforward
- Source
- Treatment Guide 7
- Purchase price
- 10 Academy Coins
- 0.25 hours
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