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ITI Treatment Guide Volume 4

Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry – Edentulous Patients

Geneste Applicaties

ITI Treatment Guide Volume 4 - Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry – Edentulous Patients

This fourth volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series highlights different approaches to implant treatment in the edentulous jaw. It presents the current evidence base and summarizes the most recent ITI Consensus Statements, introducing treatment planning and execution options completed with the appropriate loading protocols.

13 detailed case studies and illustrations clarify potential ambiguities and complications to help clinicians master the most common challenges.


Daniel Wismeijer, DMD, Professor 
Paolo Casentini, Dr
German O. Gallucci, Dr med dent, DMD
Matteo Chiapasco, MD, Professor

Case Contributors

Marina S. Bello-Silva, DMD, PhD Student LELO
Arne F. Boeckler, DMD, Dr med dent
Luiz Otávio Alves Camargo, DDS, MSc, PhD 
Paolo Casentini, Dr
Luca Cordaro MD, DDS, PhD
German O. Gallucci, Dr med dent, DMD
Henny J.A. Meijer, Professor Dr
Dean Morton, BDS, MS
Alan G.T Payne, BDS, MDent, DDSc, FCD (SA)
Geert Stoker, Dr
Ali Tahmaseb, Dr
Pedro Tortamano, DDS, MSc, PhD
Hans-Peter Weber, DMD, Dr med dent

Geneste Applicaties

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