Congress Lecture

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Surgical Planning and Procedures

Socket Preservation – When and How and Is It Evidence-Based? 

Simon Storgård Jensen

The presentation walks the audience through the healing steps of the post-extraction socket and emphasizes the dimensional ridge alterations. This basic introduction sets the stage for the lecture core, which focuses on the significance of socket management as a staged procedure prior to implant placement. The rationale for treatment and the different techniques and materials are presented along with evidence originating from preclinical and clinical studies as well as recent systematic reviews. This lecture concludes with treatment recommendations for a variety of clinical situations.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • describe socket healing processes
  • explain the rationale for socket augmentation
  • discuss technique selection for socket augmentation
31 minutes
ITI Congress Norway & Sweden 2016
0.52 hours
Purchase price
16 Academy Coins
Publication date: Jun 29, 2016 Last review date: Jun 14, 2022 Next review date: Jun 14, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Languages
  • Surgical Planning & Procedures

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