Digital Placement – Guided Surgery and Surgical Stents - Congress Lectures - Home
Digital Placement – Guided Surgery and Surgical Stents
Nowadays 3D planning software programs are available to transfer the information from a digital 3D planning environment to the intraoperative surgical field by means of computer-aided or guided surgery. This lecture discusses the applications of 3D planning in implant dentistry.Surgical templates are based on a combination of CAD/CAM and rapid-prototyping (3D printing) technology for fabrication. Precise virtual implant placement in 3D planning software programs is based on the computed tomography (CT) scans of a patient’s bony anatomy and a radiographic guide containing the tooth or teeth to be replaced. A surgical template is produced by additive manufacturing (3D printing) based on the virtually planned information and incorporates precise drill sleeves for implants. Computer-aided technology has shown significant improvements in accuracy in comparison to conventional implant placement.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…
- explain the sequence of producing a surgical guide for computer-aided surgery
- describe different types of surgical guides along with their advantages or disadvantages
- recognize the value of guided surgery in significantly improving accuracy in comparison to conventional implant placement
- Duration
- 33 minutes
- Source
- ITI Congress Australasia 2016
- 0.57 hours
- Purchase price
- 17 Academy Coins
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