Rehabilitating an Edentulous Maxilla with a Conventional Removable Denture and an Edentulous Mandible with a Fixed Dental Prosthesis Using s-CAIS - Clinical Case Report - Home
Clinical Case Report
Rehabilitating an Edentulous Maxilla with a Conventional Removable Denture and an Edentulous Mandible with a Fixed Dental Prosthesis Using s-CAIS
This case describes a partial digital workflow in the treatment of a patient with a terminal dentition. It features virtual planning of static computer-aided implant surgery (s-CAIS) and CAD/CAM interim prostheses.
A 72-year-old male patient was referred to the prosthodontic clinic for possible implant treatment. He presented with a partially edentulous maxilla and mandible. The clinical and radiographic examination showed generalized chronic severe periodontitis with tooth mobility, dental caries, and direct composite restorations in three teeth. Pre-treatment periapical and panoramic radiographs revealed horizontal bone loss associated with all remaining teeth and vertical bone loss associated with the anterior teeth and confirmed the presence of generalized carious lesions.

- Surgical SAC classification
- Complex
- Prosthodontic SAC classification
- Complex
- Source
- Treatment Guide 11
- Purchase price
- 10 Academy Coins
- 0.25 hours
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