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Public ITI profile page of

Vivianne Chappuis

Bern, Switzerland

  • ITI Fellow
  • registered since 2009

Academy Author Profile

Vivianne Chappuis is an Oral Surgeon and Chair at the Department for Oral Surgery and Stomatology, Division of Oral Diagnostic Sciences at the University of Bern Switzerland. During her research fellowship at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Boston, she examined the molecular basics of bone regeneration to examine the potential role of growth factors and bioactive molecules. She continued her translational research in the field of tissue regeneration and digital 3D computational imaging. In 2018 and 2019, she was awarded with the André Schroeder Research Prize. As an Oral Surgeon with broad experience in tissue regeneration, she is deeply involved in teaching, training, performing live surgeries, workshops and lectures in national and international courses and congresses. Her work focuses on bone regeneration and implant surgery in order to optimize treatment concepts for patients.

Academy content by Vivianne Chappuis (15 items)

Statement on Financial Relationships and Conflict of Interests

Vivianne Chappuis has no financial relationships to disclose regarding authorship of ITI educational content and there are no conflicts of interest.

In case of content marked as "provided by industry partner", the author/speaker was reimbursed by said industry partner.